Friday, November 30, 2007

because believing is beautiful

I know that everyone can say that they believe in God, but to me, we believe in God by not just our words, but also our heart and our actions. Action speaks louder than word, right? Basically, there are 6 articles of belief in Islam - One God, prophets as messengers, holy books, angels, judgment day and fate. For me, believing in them can lead to a happy life. For example, when I believe in the existence of God who made the entire universe, who wants me to good things, then I've known my purpose in life. When I believe in the prophet, then I can trust and follow his way. When I believe in the holy book, I'll read it and think about it, and discover the truth easily. When I believe in angels, who will look at everything I do, then I'll never do something shameful or bad. When I believe in fate, then I don't have to feel sad when I lost something or someone. I can understand why many people said that it is foolish to practice good moral values in modern days because the world is controlled by greedy people. However, as a person who believes in the judgment day, I never intend to compromise my moral values. I think that we should be the best person we can be as we have been given only one chance to live, and that's it. I think that my life is only for God, who made me who I am, who gave me everything I have. I pray to God that I won't forget who I am and my promise to God. And I think it is easy to be me, when I believe in God. And that is Allah The Almighty.

Global Warming

Okay, now let’s try to talk about a more serious matter. I’m quite bored writing on just the same things all over again, so why not try something new. This time I would like to talk about global warming.

I chose this topic simply because I am fully aware that this is not good at all. I mean, I’ve done some research on global warming a few months ago (for my EST class) and I don’t like what I read. The first thing I got to know is that global warming is a slight increase in temperature around the globe. Maybe those who live in the Artic think that a few increases in degree Celsius might be pleasant, but scientists keep worrying. Even some of the coldest places in Siberia experience increase in temperature. And these little changes give humongous impact on the world.

Global warming causes the ice shelves to break. This will consequently made the sea level increase too. I don’t watch news that much but I think this is the reason why some low-lying countries got flooded nowadays. Flood is not a good thing as it will not just take away people’s life but also damage their properties.

Recently, I watch a documentary on National Geographic and it seems that the wildlife in the North Pole is affected too. Without ice, animals like the polar bear and seal will have difficulties to survive. This is just an example in a small part of the world. What about those in other regions? Of course they will naturally get used to it over time. That’s the use of evolution. But how can we be certain that these animals are able to evolve before they become extinct? That is a question that we should bear in mind.

Maybe you don’t really care about some wildlife that you never even heard of or never get the chance to know about due to your busy life. (I know some people like this) Would you change your perception if I tell you that global warming also causes other changes such as rainfall pattern and increases in the range of disease vectors? Some of these changes will somehow affect our economy. Hey, here I come, a fresh high school graduate trying to talk about economy! Well, I have to say that I don’t know that much and I don’t have any data to convince you. But believe me that the agricultural industry will be affected. And that means that we will become short of food. And that will lead to higher price market. Of course that we have genetically modified food that is resistant to this and that, but these foods are costly too, right? And in the end who will starve to death? The answer to this question got to be the poor and those who live in the third-world countries. Hey, this is an endless problem.

I’m sure you are tired with this article. You might say ‘Why should I read what a kid has to say about such a global problem that many world leaders can’t solve?’

Well, I can’t solve the problem alone. But I can do my part, although just a tiny part, but I believe that this will cause a huge impact somehow. First of all, I tried to raise awareness about global warming and its effects. I always talk about this matter that sometimes I irritated my friends. p/s: SORRY! Secondly, knowing that one of the causes of global warming is the release of greenhouse gases, I tried my best to do my part. I cycle instead on riding a motorcycle or using cars. I make sure that the refrigerator in my house is closed tightly and I don’t open the door too long. I recycle newspaper, glass and any other recyclable items. (Hey, I got money in return, so this is fun). I’m sure there’s a lot more that I can do. I’m sure, you, my readers can do the same too.

We can’t afford to lose the Earth due to our own carelessness and ignorance. Play your part and save our world.

More Weird Facts About Me

A friend of mine asked me to tell more about myself. It took me quite a few months to reply the mail. This is weird. Why in the world I could not write anything despite the fact that I do love to write? I mean, the English Unit of my school asks the students to write journals and submit them to the teachers. And I’m the only one (I think) in my class who writes more than what we have been told to write. I write anything about school, my life in hostel, my family, my pets, my nephews, EVERYTHING. And now I can’t write simple things about me, myself, and I????

After giving it some thought, I came up with a simple explanation – I don’t know myself anymore, and I need help immediately. Argh!!!! This is pathetic, I know. But I’m not the one who should be completely blamed of. I said so because I was just too busy with school and activities at school, and busy to fit myself in the school community that I don't do things that I enjoy very much anymore.

I really miss myself. That's why I'm using this holiday to be with me, myself and I again. Yay ME! (hey, I sounds like Kuzco!) I tried to recall ‘the Me’ in the past by browsing my photo albums and my writings and I found out that I used to enjoy spending most of my time indoor with my computer, chess, books or anime. But I also enjoy outdoor activities, close to nature. And it's great to be able to do all of this during this holiday.

Today (or should I say yesterday since it’s already 1.30 a.m in the morning) I enjoyed myself once again when I went to Kampung Pasir, where a friend lives. It was nothing much really but I like the journey across the busy and diverging roads which are full of cars and heavy vehicles. Everything moves so fast. This is so me again. I can’t find these back at my school. Things get better since two other friends were there with me too. We get to exercise and use our muscles to cycle up the hill, and it wasn’t easy after I lead quite a slow an inactive life at hostel.

Well, not too inactive actually since sometimes I manage to jog with my beloved warden. She doesn’t mind taking my friends and me to the Maxwell Hill or the Lake Garden. That reminds me that I have never been able to reach the top of Maxwell Hill due to packed time. This is quite a loss to me, what am I doing by entering the chess competition???

Enough of babbling, it’s good to write something again in this blog after focusing so much on my study and SPM. Got to go.